Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day#1: let me out of here it's too small!

This is a pano shot of our main room in a 750 sq., feet apartment on West 4th in the West Village. It is where we live and work. Liz is a silversmith and painter, I draw and create multimedia projects. This is a journal of our life in a small apartment made for people to sleep in between days of working in a bank or office.
I have already divided up the main room with bookcases to create a small lobby so that visitors do not see directly into the living area. I hate the way modern apartments open directly into the apartment and just bleeds away. This "Lobby" bookcase wall made the ideal location for my computers and created a semi-closed lounge area. A large, no massive sofa dominates. This cannot be moved!

My poor attempt at a blog details my project to create a pleasing life of work in a small apartment. I will have no architects and it will be all off the shelf and as cheap as I/we can stand without making the place like a garage. The main room is roughly 400 square feet and it is where this project will begin. We also have a bedroom (app.250sq., feet) to set up as a sleep work space for Liz. My work station is just before the narrow-small kitchen and on the way to the tiny bathroom and small bedroom.

1) How to deal with the junk?
2) How to renovate that Kitchen and Bathroom with no contractor maybe just one guy that knows how to fix stuff?
3) How to create a full stop end where the dreadful heating unit and air conditioner are below the window?
4) How to create useful work areas and rest stations around the massive sofa that is comfortable but outsized?
5) How to have my Butsudan set up in a way that is respectful but does not take up workspace?
6) How to put down a floor covering that allows for guests and Liz to sit on the floor in comfort and with some style?
7) How to deal with beds and a Plaza TV with sound system that all take up room? Throwing them out is not an option. We need the Plasma to show multimedia projects.
8) How to make it all pleasing to the eye.
9) How the hell do I organize this?

Clearly I need to sweep the clutter from my mind first and have a better plan.

This is day one rebooted and the third year of day ones.

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